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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pamphlet of EMC

Hi, Guys !
We are going to move on !
emc.jpgemc.jpgWould you like to join us in our Club ?
This is English Meeting Center

Let’s Know About EMC itself :
EMC is a work program HMPS English Study Program Haluoleo University which aims to develop the ability kognitf, affective, and psychomotor members in the field of English. In addition, EMC also has the objective to establish familiarity members through activities that are positive.

If you want to join us, we require you to attend our first meeting that will be held on Saturday, November 19th, 2011 at 15:00 in Room C8 FKIP Unhalu.

For more information about EMC, please contact the contact person who exists in this form.

Ayu : (0821 8805 5275)                                                                
emc.jpgLois : (0857 9600 5117)
Arul : (0852 9949 2927)                                                             
Alif : (0819 3545 2391)

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